The article “Mandatory Drug Testing To Receive Welfare Benefits” written by Hit or Miss is spot on with my views and opinions behind
welfare benefits. I’m glad you posted this topic, you wrote the article very
well and have pointed out some validated positions. Welfare is a great system
for those who truly need it and want it only as a temporary stepping stone
until those people are able to get back on their feet and on the right track. However,
welfare itself is controversial. I found this article to be interesting because
it is a thought that has crossed my mind from time to time as to the type of
regulation the welfare system undergoes. Taxpayers are contributing to a system
with little regulation so it certainly raises questions as to why am I
responsible for someone who is abusing the system potentially? I’m certain that
there are quite a few individuals who abuse the system and/or are on drugs. As
stated by Hit or Miss, many people agree with the drug test screening and compare
this notion to taking a drug test to gain and maintain employment, then why
should welfare recipients be any different. Drug testing will highlight
recipients who are wasting taxpayer’s money. I don’t believe that it’s
unconstitutional to drug test if the welfare recipient is abusing the program
and benefits. Those people need to be rehabilitated and if drug testing is
required for employment, again what makes this any different? This type of
filtering would create a better living situation and set better examples for
kids if they are involved. As stated by Hit or Miss, for those who fail a drug
test and become ineligible for assistance, their family will suffer without the
help. The blame goes to the parent. Removing a person from receiving benefits because
they are using the program to support a bad habit will help reduce the costs to
the taxpayers and truly provide the benefits to those who need it. This is a
great solution to overlooked area.