Thursday, October 11, 2012

Romney’s Lies

The article written by author Robert Parry, who is the founder of and one of the reporters that helped expose the Iran-Contra scandal for the AP in the mid-1980s, discusses the crafty way that Mitt Romney twists the words of truth to make Obama appear as if he has not completed any of the major items that brought him to become President. The article “Mitt Romney Lies to the World” brings forth to light that Mitt Romney is an inveterate liar. This article is purely opinion based and even though it has been criticized by both sides of the political parties, I do agree with his view on how Mitt Romney delivers his messages. This article is geared toward political voters of both parties to help them make a better informed decision for the upcoming election.

The author argues that Mitt Romney has a tendency to lie on minor stuff as well as big issues. An example to back his claim and idea: “Mitt Romney claimed that President Barack Obama “has not signed one new free trade agreement in the past four years” though Obama secured passage of agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama and signed them in October 2011. Romney apologists suggest that the Republican presidential nominee was hanging his truthiness on the word “new” since negotiations on the agreements began late in George W. Bush’s presidency. But the work was completed by Obama and he pushed the deals through Congress despite resistance from some of his own supporters in labor unions.” The author is demonstrating that Mitt Romney twists the words to give the impression that Obama has accomplished “nothing” during his presidency but simply stating the opposite.  

This particular pattern of lies has shown to continue into the general election campaigns. Mitt Romney tells vibrant stories while on the campaign trail and during last Wednesday’s presidential debate. Another backing to this accusation is that he claimed his health-care plan covered people with pre-existing conditions when it doesn’t. As I mentioned above, I do agree with the author here. All politicians are guilty of this practice but nobody does it better than Mitt Romney and it can be clearly seen.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Obama's Flat Performance

The article “Debate Praise for Romney as Obama is Faulted as Flat” is show casing that Obama provided a lackluster debate against Mitt Romney. The author, Michael D. Shear, is the chief writer for The Caucus, the political blog for The New York Times. He is advising political followers of both parties, who are his target audience, that Mitt Romney out performed Barack Obama in his first ever general election debate. The author discusses his opinion that most political followers were surprised that Mitt Romney performed as well as he did. Supporting evidence of his theory is echoed by Stephen F. Hayes of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine. He wrote after the debate “In a thoroughly dominating performance, Romney bested Barack Obama in both tone and substance,” “Obama often found himself at the end of a verbal cul-de-sac, seemingly unaware of how he’d ended up there.” Mitt Romney attacked Barack Obama on his lack of following through with his promises that lead to his presidential election in 2008. Mitt Romney focused on the raising prices and taxes that Obama’s administration has allowed. In my opinion, I agree with the author here. I do believe that Mitt Romney picked apart Barack Obama’s debate. Mitt Romney found holes in Obama’s policies and turned the nations focus toward lowering taxes and helping the middle class. Mitt Romney is trailing in the campaign polls and this debate helped close the gap however it didn’t change the overall lead in Mitt Romney’s favor.