Thursday, September 20, 2012


The article written by William Rivers Pitt “I will Occupy” is articulating an idea and notion that change is needed in this country and world. According to William, occupy was and is the movement that is creating this ever so desperately needed change. 
                Occupy is the sole creator of the 99% vs. 1%. He believes that the lasting effects of occupy still remains. In reading this article, I didn’t realize that occupy completed much, however I underestimated the effects. He cleverly points out that ideas never die and because this idea is not dead, lives on across America and all across the world. Occupy continuously fights greed, violence and the powerful. The purpose that created occupy continues to fight today against those who destroy our world for the measly profit motive. William points out that occupy is about the people and that individual power creates change.
                This is a great article to review that pinpoints the entire idealism behind occupy, its purpose, effects and why change is needed. Change is needed and the history written about our generation needs to reflect something much better than what is displayed today.